Intensive EMDR
EMDR intensives provide a more efficient way to experience relief by shifting your perceptions of yourself and the world around you.
These transformative shifts empower you to tackle your challenges with renewed vigor and confidence.
What To Know
Embark on a journey towards self-actualization by taking advantage of our EMDR intensive therapy program. In addition to our weekly and bi-weekly sessions, we offer EMDR, an evidence-based approach to treating trauma, depression, and anxiety. EMDR intensives offer a more efficient way to experience relief by shifting your perceptions of yourself and the world around you. These transformative shifts will empower you to tackle your challenges with renewed vigor and confidence. Unlike weekly or bi-weekly sessions, which can prolong treatment indefinitely, intensive EMDR accelerates progress towards your goals in a concentrated, focused way.
What To Expect
We will conduct a 20-minute consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for EMDR Intensive Therapy. Following this, we will conduct a fee-for-service telehealth intake assessment to assess the depth of your issues and the necessary time required to work through them. We will then discuss logistics and whether the sessions will be conducted virtually or in-person. Once we have determined the number of hours/days you will require, we will discuss payment/down payment before commencing therapy. You no longer have to schedule your life around weekly therapy sessions.
Cost and Insurance
Unfortunately, insurance does not currently cover this type of therapy. The cost will depend on the number of hours/days required, making EMDR Intensive Therapy cost- effective, as it is highly concentrated and focused, saving you both time and money over time. Contact us to schedule a free consultation or to learn more about EMDR Intensive Therapy.
Good Faith Estimate
As of 2022, patients that are paying with cash only for their services have the right to receive a "Good Faith Estimate" explaining how much your medical and mental health care will cost. I will be happy to provide an estimate before scheduling any services.